Benefits & Fundraisers
Rankin Fire's 30th Annual Breakfast
Come out to Rankin Fire Protection District's 30th Annual Firemen's Pancake & Sausage Breakfast on Saturday, February8 from 6a - 1p at the Rankin Fire Department (511 S. Main St., Rankin). $7 Adults - $4 children - 6 and under eat free. There will also be sausage available for purchase. 1lb. bulk packages $3 and 10lb box of patties $35. All proceeds benefit the purchases of new fire equipment.
St. John’s PTL Annual Chicken Dinner, Silent Auction, & Carnival
St. John’s Lutheran School in Buckley, IL is hosting their PTL Annual Chicken Dinner, Silent Auction, & Carnival. The silent auction & carnival begin at 3:30pm & dinner begins to serve at 4pm. Tickets are $12 & can be prepurchased through students or staff or purchased at the door.
Danforth Blue Ribbon 4H Club Pork Chop Supper
Danforth Blue Ribbon 4H Club invites you to our pork chop supper. We'll be serving a pork chop meal from 5:00-7:00 on Saturday, March 8th. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any 4H member or purchased at the door the evening of the meal. Menu: pork chop, green beans, applesauce, potato salad, bread & butter, pie or cookies, drinks.